It is a priority at AEG to reduce the aviation industry’s overall carbon footprint and support the transition of aircraft operators to sustainable and environmentally responsible fuel sources. There is no alternative to aviation when it comes to timely, safe, long-range travel for passengers and cargo. Carbon offsetting is an immediate, direct, and pragmatic tool for aircraft operators to limit their impact on climate change and support the world’s transition to a carbon-neutral future.
AEG’s Carbon Neutral Program supports customers in achieving their goals of environmental integrity through carbon offsets. This environmental initiative is designed to help and guide our customers towards reducing and offsetting their carbon footprint and we look forward to supporting you.
Fueling emissions reductions
The regular operation of any aircraft will emit various particles and gases into the earth’s atmosphere. While many of these greenhouse gases occur naturally, the excess emission that occurs in the aviation industry creates the conditions that allow excess heat to be trapped in the atmosphere and impact our earth’s climate.
Air travelers are increasingly sensitized to this impact and the impact of their personal choices on the environment. While efforts are underway to create broader adoption of renewable and carbon-neutral sources of power, the industry has a long outlook on its widespread use. In the interim, air travelers and aircraft operators may endeavor to balance out their excess carbon emissions by sponsoring emission reductions in other industries through registered and verified emission reduction projects.
The carbon credits
The Carbon Credit is a concept created to reduce the release of harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Companies are able to purchase a permit that enables them to emit a certain fixed amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
This credit acts as a currency for the company to then compensate for that emission by retiring the credit and funding projects that contribute to a net-reduction in overall carbon emissions in the earth’s atmosphere. The process of ‘retiring’ credits is assured by an independent third party and audited annually.
All fuel purchases made with AEG are eligible to be tied to a corresponding carbon credit. For each unit of carbon dioxide that is projected to be emitted into the atmosphere on each gallon of fuel purchased, AEG can facilitate the simultaneous purchase and eventual retirement of a carbon credit to offset that gallon’s emission. AEG can effectively allow operators to manage all or a portion of their fuel purchasing on a carbon-neutral basis. As part of the program, AEG issues an operator official retirement proofs and carbon offsetting certificates to display in their offices and include in their marketing programs.
The retirement proofs may also be submitted to third-party regulatory agencies to provide certification of any minimum offset requirements set by governments around the world.