SAF platform

The Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) platform
Our Commitment to SAF
Nearly 3% of the world’s CO2 Emissions occur as a direct result of air travel. At AEG, enthusiastically support the IATA and ICAO commitments to achieve carbon-neutral growth in aviation from 2020 onwards and achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The most critical component in aviation’s pathway to carbon neutrality is the increased production and adoption of SAF. It has the potential to deliver the performance of fossil-based jet fuel but at a fraction of its greenhouse gas emissions.
AEG Makes Sustainability the Simple Choice
On-Demand SAF
We are actively marketing SAF at over 20 airports around the world. Our customers can now search for SAF availability by airport and order on an into-wing basis or pay the premium for SAF and receive the benefit of emission reductions through AEG’s Book and Claim program.
With the click of a button, customers can understand where SAF is available, order the product, and have an up-to-date accounting of their total greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction from purchasing SAF in lieu of conventional jet fuel. We are committed to supporting end-users access to SAF via our numerous sales and marketing channels:
Term supply contracts
On demand through AEG’s 24/7 dispatch
Instantaneous refueling authorizations via AEG’s web-based fuel management platform
AEG’s mobile app
AEG book and claim
AEG’s Book and Claim Program allows for greater  access to SAF by matching product supply with demand. This process allows SAF to be delivered into an airplane at one and give purchasing customers elsewhere the cost and environmental benefits of SAF, even though they are not burning the physical product. This controls the release of excess carbon emissions due to extended logistics, while the purchasing customer receives the benefit of the certification and ESG claims.
We invite customers to participate in the Book and Claim program. Contact AEG for more information.
Additional information

For more information and to order SAF now

At AEG we have the tools and technology needed to enable customers to easily begin incorporating SAF into your regular purchasing channels.
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